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How to keep cats away from the house and garden? 10 natural methods

Cats are sensitive to odors. Olfactory repellents such as lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus or peppermint can then be used to keep them away from your favorite objects or your home . However, the following dosage must be respected:

  1. In a spray bottle, mix 2 drops of lemon essential oil, 2 drops of wild orange essential oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil and a little water.
  2. Spray the mixture in strategic areas of your home including houseplants. Be careful when applying this product if you want to apply it to the fabrics of furniture and curtains in your home to prevent your cat from scratching them. Test the solution on an inconspicuous area first before using it.

Another good tip: mix 20 drops of lemongrass oil in a bottle filled with water.

Remember to spray regularly to keep them working. Also, it is important to use glass bottles to better preserve the oils.

However, be careful with the dosage, the acidity of citrus fruits can be irritating for these little felines. They should therefore be used with caution!

5. Raw Onion and Garlic to Get Rid of Invasive Neighbors’ Cats

Cats hate onions and garlic! So this is a good way to keep them away from your furniture and your garden. You can try these two techniques:

  1. Place onion slices in the ground and other corners frequented by stray cats.
  2. Soak onions in water and then spray the solution where cats usually urinate.

They won’t be able to get near it anymore!

Another way to do this: rub a halved onion on the plant pots and flowers or halved garlic cloves. Cats won’t tolerate the smell.

6. Aromatic herbs and other anti-cat plants

Certain plants and aromatic herbs are capable of repelling cats that invite themselves into your home. They also offer safe and natural solutions to scare them away from your home. All you will have to do is place them in strategic corners of your interior or your terrace. Lavender, rosemary, chives, lemon balm will be particularly effective.

You can also plant flowers with pungent scents in your garden such as geranium or marigold. Angela Slater, gardening expert at Hayes Garden World, reveals one of the best plants to grow to deter cats from the garden on It is a plant called Coleus Canina or “terror of cats” which emits a repulsive odor. Plus, thanks to its blue flowers, it’s an attractive perennial plant!

7. Coffee grounds to scare away cats

Did you know ? Your morning coffee boosts your energy but it is also a safe and natural way to keep cats away from your home . Do not hesitate to keep the coffee grounds after consumption, they will be useful to you later!

  1. Sprinkle the still damp coffee grounds in areas where cats pass through.
  2. Don’t forget to provide another quantity to distribute around the plants and borders.
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Cats will no longer be able to venture into your vegetable garden which will be full of nutrients with this ingredient.

8. Ultrasound devices and products that emit annoying noises

This is a special deterrent system! The principle is simple: these devices emit ultrasound as soon as they detect movement. Although the human ear does not detect such a sound, cats and other animals are sensitive to it and consider it an annoying noise.
Simply place it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations in areas frequented by small felines.

The only downside is that cats can get used to the sound after a while. You will then have to change their location regularly and combine this tip with other repellents.

9. Automatic watering systems to repel cats from the garden

It’s a known fact: cats don’t like water. So, you can scare them away by installing an automatic watering system . The sprinkler device detects movement and turns on as soon as a cat sneaks into your garden. With such a device, cats quickly take shelter.

Another similar tip: use a spray bottle or water gun to scare them away from your garden or prevent your pets from climbing on your kitchen counter, dining table or approaching your bed. It’s effective !

10. Special barriers and other landscaping to protect your garden, vegetable patch and planter

Landscaping your garden is essential to preventing cats from accessing your yard or flower bed. Nicole Cosgrove, Pet Expert, revealed on the Petkeen website some ideas for elements to integrate into your outdoor spaces. Pebbles and large rocks, for example, may disinterest cats, who will not have enough space to dig. A chicken wire over the floor of your garden can be useful to prevent them from touching the plants. You can also use it to block access points in your home. Don’t hesitate to place tape along your exterior fence or put aluminum foil on flower beds or in planters. Cats cannot tolerate such sensations on their paws. Also remember to remove your bird feeder if you have one. Maybe that’s what attracts the cats.

How to keep the cat out of the kitchen?

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