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5 tips from grandmothers to reduce dark circles under the eyes

Bags: swelling of the lower eyelid
When you wake up in front of the mirror, do you notice that your eyes are swollen and tired? So, the problem is probably the bags under the eyes. These are formed by fatty deposits or accumulation of fluid, which precisely create this annoying swelling. These small bags can form on the lower eyelid, but also on the upper eyelid (unlike dark circles!). They are generally due to a genetic predisposition or to environmental and lifestyle factors (a bit like dark circles, by the way). But that’s not all, there is also an inevitable factor to take into account: with age and especially with the loss of collagen due to the aging process, the skin begins to lose its suppleness and elasticity. Unfortunately, the more the eye area ages and relaxes, the more bags will set in and become permanent.

What causes dark circles under the eyes?
There are multiple causes that can lead to the appearance of dark circles . One of the most common triggers is aging. The older you get, the more the skin under the eyes begins to sag and thin, making the blood vessels beneath the epidermis more visible. From then on, hollow areas called “tear troughs” develop, bringing with them this dark and unsightly appearance.

Other causes to consider
Genetics: yes, unfortunately, dark circles under the eyes can also be hereditary. It is not uncommon for them to appear in several members of the same family.
Dermatitis: Certain conditions like eczema and contact dermatitis can also cause the blood vessels under your eyes to dilate and trigger the appearance of dark circles.
Rubbing your eyes: Do you have a habit of frequently rubbing your eyes? You will have to change this bad habit, because casually, you risk accidentally causing a rupture of the blood vessels and causing this unpleasant swelling under your eyes.
Lack of sleep: this is surely one of the best known causes. Insomniacs know something about this! There is no doubt that an imbalance in sleep inevitably leads to this paleness around the eyes. Both for your lifestyle and to have a radiant complexion, you need to establish good habits to have restful sleep.
Hyperpigmentation: Too much exposure to the sun causes your body to produce more melanin. It is a pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin. Therefore, an overproduction of this substance will naturally darken your lower eyelids!
Dehydration: did you know that, due to a lack of hydration, the skin under your eyes can easily become dull and lose its radiance? There is no secret, drink enough water to limit your dark circles.
Lifestyle factors : of course, your lifestyle plays a major role! Aside from lack of sleep, certain sneaky enemies can trigger dark circles without warning. We are talking in particular about excess stress, too rich a diet, heavy alcohol consumption and smoking.
Identify the cause to adopt appropriate treatment
Certainly, dark circles are more unsightly than dangerous. However, they can serve as an indicator of a health problem to be diagnosed. But, most often, these dark halos are above all disabling and a source of complexes. And for good reason, when you have dark circles under your eyes, you immediately look more tired and more gloomy.


Not to mention this “old feeling” that sticks to us! And yet, it doesn’t take much to regain your healthy glow: you just need to change certain bad habits and adopt a better lifestyle to reduce both dark circles and at the same time reduce the impact of wrinkles. Of course, certain treatments are also recommended when these ugly dark circles become recurrent or take hold for good. But to gain efficiency, it is essential to first define the source of the problem.

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