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Unblocking toilets: 12 tips for unblocking toilet pipes

Verser du shampoing dans les WC 1

Sometimes our toilets get clogged at times when we can’t go out and buy an industrial product to solve the problem, so we have to make do with what we can. We show you how to unclog your toilet with shampoo.

How to do ?

  1. To do this,  pour shampoo into the bottom of your toilet .
  2. Leave it on for a good ten minutes.
  3. Flush the toilet.

10. Unclog the toilet with a plastic bag

The plastic bag trick is similar to that used with cling film. Follow the steps and say goodbye to traffic jams.

How to do ?

  1. First, make sure you wipe down the toilet rim as well as the lid (you can use toilet paper or a cloth).
  2. Place a large plastic bag (without holes), arranging it to cover the entire toilet. Stretch it well so that it covers the entire bowl.
  3. Tape the edges so the bag doesn’t come loose.
  4. Lower the seat, close the lid and sit on top of it. The main thing is that even while performing all these movements, the bag remains taut.
  5. Flush the toilet.
  6. The bag can hold water and by sitting on the lid, pressure will be exerted and cause the toilet to unclog.
  7. Open the lid and check that all the water has drained out.
  8. Remove the tape from the edges and the bag.

11. Unblock the toilet with a plumber’s ferret

The plumber’s ferret is a tool made up of a long hose and a corkscrew-shaped head. To use it, it’s simple.

How to do ?

  1. Gradually insert the ferret’s head into the bowl and rotate it by turning the crank and applying pressure.
  2. Push the plug back into the pipe using a back and forth motion.
  3. Next, flush the toilet so the clog is carried to the main drain.

12. Unblock the toilet with a liquid unblocker

It’s possible that the problem is more serious and you won’t be able to unclog your toilet with a plunger or homemade methods. For these more complex cases, you will need a specific and more powerful product.

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How to do ?

  1. Read the manufacturer’s instructions first.
  2. Use gloves to protect your hands.
  3. Pour the recommended amount of liquid drain cleaner into the toilet bowl. The exact quantity depends on the brand used.
  4. Leave to act for the time indicated on the packaging. This usually varies between 15 to 30 minutes.
  5. Flush the toilet to see if the toilet has unclogged. If the water drains normally, the blockage should be resolved.

How to prevent toilets from clogging?

To prevent your toilet from getting clogged, here is a practical and effective method.


  • 3 tablespoons of detergent
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 3 tablespoons of disinfectant
  • Juice of a lemon

How to do ?

  1. In a container,  mix the detergent, salt,  lemon juice  and disinfectant.
  2. Pour the mixture into the bowl and into the reservoir.
  3. Then, using a cloth, apply the mixture to the inner edges of the toilet.
  4. Rinse everything with water to get a clean, clog-free toilet that gives off a pleasant smell.

Recommendations to avoid clogged toilets: preventive measures to adopt

  • Our first tip is not to throw toilet paper down the toilet. This clogs the pipes! So remember to use a reasonable quantity of toilet paper and possibly throw it in a trash can rather than in your toilet.
  • The second tip is not to throw anything down the toilet. These are designed to dispose of human waste, but not to dispose of wipes, diapers, cotton swabs, food wrappers, hair, etc. All of these objects obstruct the drainage system.
  • Our third tip is to install a grate at the bottom of your toilet to prevent any objects from blocking it.
  • Our fourth tip is to be sure to use plenty of water when rinsing. If you don’t use enough water, debris could get stuck in the pipes and cause clogged pipes.
  • Our fifth tip is to regularly maintain the plumbing  by cleaning the pipes with suitable products or by calling on the services of a plumber.


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