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Kiss Mess Goodbye! The 30 Day De-Clutter Challenge For A Neater Home

Day 4: That TV cabinet or drawer housing outdated electronics? Time to declutter. Discard broken items or ones you haven’t used in a while.

Day 5: Sort through your pile of old mail, bills, and letters. File the essentials and consider shredding the rest.

Day 6: A quick win – clear off your kitchen table. Ideally, only food should grace its surface.

Day 7: Feeling ambitious? Declutter two kitchen cabinets, disposing of outdated food and unnecessary items.

Day 8: For book lovers, this can be tough. Keep your beloved and sentimentally valuable books, but consider donating the rest.

Day 9: A clutter-free wallet awaits! Discard expired cards and old receipts.

Day 10: Extend that decluttering to your purse. Essentials only, please!

Day 11: Refresh your makeup collection. Discard expired products and clean your makeup brushes.

Day 12: Give your shower a revamp. Keep only essential products.

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