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First of all, you should know that garlic is an excellent antioxidant : consequently, it counteracts the aging of cells and tissues. And then it has great antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, which help prevent the main pathologies.

Garlic is also excellent against fungi , inflammation, the proliferation of bacteria and viral diseases. Naturally, it cannot be used as a replacement for medications: for this very reason, we always recommend that you contact your GP to ask for a consultation.

And then again, this plant would be able to promote blood circulation , since it would be able to reduce the stiffness of blood vessels. In short, garlic is a food that should always be present in our diet.

Not everyone knows, however, that garlic can also be used for other functions, which have little or nothing to do with nutrition . Here we reveal how to use it in a trick unknown to most people.

Only a few people know about it, but garlic can be used against insects , especially those that invade our homes in the summer.

To ensure it works in the best possible way, we recommend cutting some cloves of garlic and soaking them in hot water. Cover the container where you added the garlic and water with a cloth, then let the mix rest overnight.

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The next day, filter the water and put it in a spray bottle . Thanks to the nozzle in question, you can spray garlic water in all the places in the house that are most invaded by insects.

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